Top Gynecomastia Surgeon in Kolhapur & Sangli | Expert Male Breast Surgery

Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia Surgery in Male

Gynecomastia or male breast removal surgery is the swelling of breasts in males (boys or men). This is caused by a hormonal imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. This disorder can affect a single breast or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. When newborns, boys go through puberty, and elderly men develop enlargement of the male breast as a result of change in hormone level, but other rare causes might exist.

Even though Gynecomastia is rarely associated with pain it is a tough condition to cope with. Men and boys feel embarrassed about it and are often subjected to ridicule by collogues or coworkers.

This condition of Gynecomastia might go away on its own, but persistent male breasts need surgical management. Fill out the contact form & schedule your appointment today for permanently rid of gynecomastia.

Talk To Our Expert


    • The common symptom associated with Gynecomastia / male breast removal surgery is worrying about self-image or self-consciousness about enlargement of the breast, like the female breast. The affected individual mainly complaints about social awkwardness, and concern about body image. Sometimes pain or discomfort. Affected men generally complaint about avoiding going to public places which require exposure such as swimming.
    • Those who are affected by Gynecomastia start wearing loose clothes. Avoid exposure in showers, and beaches. These also avoid sports that require the removal of one’s shirt and exposed chest. Young boys avoid these activities fearing ridicule by friends.

    Cause Of Gynecomastia

    Gynecomastia is caused by physiological changes in which there is a decrease in the amount of the hormone testosterone compared with estrogen. The cause of this decrease can be conditions that block the effects of or reduce testosterone or a condition that increases your estrogen level.

    The estrogen hormone is responsible for the excess development of glandular tissue. In obese individuals, there can be fat deposition in the chest region giving an uncomfortable appearance and enlargement of the breast.


    Gynecomastia can be presented as
    • Gynecomastia/ male breast present as, a deposit of excess fat in the chest area, or /and presence of excess gland in the chest area.
    • The presence of swelling might be only on one side or both sides (bilaterally).
    • Gynecomastia occurs normally (physiologically) in nearly 75 % of males during puberty. And if it does not resolve by the age of 17 years, the chance of it remaining persistent is very high in the future. This enlargement of the breast is due to fat or gland or both. Because of adolescent or idiopathic hypertrophy, considerable psychological problems may arise.

    Types of Gynecomastia

    3 Types
    1. True Gynecomastia / Glandular Hypertrophy: It is due to the proliferation of ducts and periductal tissue.
    2. Pseudogynacomastia: It is due to the deposition of fat tissue in the breast with little enlargement of glandular tissue.
    3. Mixed: It contains both fat and glandular tissue in variable proportions.

    Gynecomastia Liposuction

    Sever Gynecomastia Treatment

    Gynecomastia which persists in adolescents for more than 6 months rarely decreases on its own or gets treatment with medication.There are many surgical options for the treatment of Gynecomastia,
    Including taking large incisions over the breast and removing breast tissue we at Nirmiti cosmetic Centre do this with a minimally invasive method. This procedure is done under local anesthesia under anesthetist guidance. Because of thirstiest can be discharged on the same day.

    With the hip of a specially designed liposuction cannula, a small tiny incision is taken at the periareolar region, and excess fat is sucked out of the breast. With help of liposuction treatment the gland also gets fragmented and thus can be removed from the same small incision, thus it becomes almost scar-less surgery with less bleeding and pain.

    Post-operative management: The patient is discharged on the same day. He needs to wear pressure garments for 3 to 4 weeks, so as to decrease swelling and give you early results.

    Gynecomastia Surgery By Specialists Will Achieve The Following Goals

    • Increase your self-esteem.
    • Boost your confidence.
    • Allow you to wear the clothes that you want.
    • Give you that smart, professional image that matches your performance.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is gynecomastia or male breast reduction?
    Gynecomastia refers to the removal of excess breast tissue in men. Men that experience excess breast tissue usually do so when they are teenagers or after the age of 50 when testosterone production decreases. Certain drugs, both prescription and recreational, can also result in excess breast tissue.
    How long does it take to recover from male breast reduction?
    How long does male breast reduction surgery take?
    What should I expect after the surgery?
    How much does male breast reduction cost?
    What is Gynecomastia Treatment cost?

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      Gynecomastia Surgery in Male